

📢 Save the Date: Constructionism 2025 Conference

The Constructionism Conference Committee is delighted to announce that Constructionism 2025 will take place from June 24 to June 27 in Zurich at ETH Zßrich and Pädagogische Hochschule Zßrich (Zurich University of Teacher Education).

Join us at Constructionism 2025 in Zurich, where we will explore innovative ways to shape the future of Constructionism under the theme “Building communities, bridging ideas.” Engage with a global community to discuss new ideas and insights on Constructionism, fostering collaboration and innovation to enhance educational strategies and classroom experiences. We invite submissions of research papers, best practice papers, symposia, work-in-progress, posters, and workshops. Stay tuned for more details and submission guidelines.

We also look forward to sharing the 2023 conference proceedings! The issues that have caused the long delay are now resolved, and we intend to have the ACM and ETC proceedings available for download in the coming weeks.

To stay updated on conference announcements, join our mailing list:
First information can be found on

We are looking forward to your submissions and participation!

Key dates:
* Full/Short/Symposia papers submission: January 15, 2025
* Poster/Workshop submission: January 31, 2025
* Notification on acceptance: March 21, 2025 (tentative)
* Conference: June 24 to June 27, 2025

Conference committee:
* Dennis Komm (ETH Zurich, chair)
* Bernadette Spieler (PHZH, chair) and Tobias M. Schifferle (PHZH)
* Antigoni Parmaxi (Cyprus University of Technology)
* Nathan Holbert and Paulo Blikstein (Teachers College, Columbia University)
* Kayla DesPortes (New York University)

Constructionism2025 BuildingCommunities BridgingIdeas EducationalInnovation ETHZurich PHZH LearningTechnologies EducationalTools ComputerScienceEducation


OER-Resources for Making (in German)

We are very happy to announce that the first OER learning objects from our DIZH project “Making at School” are now accessible in the OpenIlias of the PHZH. They can be found at the following link: (in German)

So far, courses on topics such as “Making basics”, “Digital patterns and eTextiles” are available, as well as information on “BioTinkering”.

Currently, we are working to map more exciting courses on “Lasercutter”, “3D Printing” and “Physical Computing” by the end of this summer.

We are looking forward to your feedback on the learning units!

Constructionism 2023 Call for Papers

Call for Papers – Constructionism

We are excited to announce a call for papers for the Constructionism 2023 conference taking place October 7-11th in New York City at Teachers College, Columbia University

The theme of Constructionism 2023 is “Building the Future of Constructionism.” The first instantiation of constructionist ideas crystallized in the form of the Logo programming language in 1967. Since then, Logo has evolved immensely, and its DNA can be found in hundreds of programming languages such as Scratch, NetLogo, Snap, not to mention myriad projects in educational robotics and construction kits. Constructionism also introduced the idea of epistemological pluralism, which is today pervasive throughout educational research. Educators, designers, scholars, and children have continued to build, remix, and evolve the core commitments and theories of constructionist design. What was famously articulated as being “consciously engaged in constructing a public entity, whether it’s a sand castle on the beach or a theory of the universe” (Papert & Harel, 1991) can be found in educational movements around computer science education, making, AI, data science, and in learning environments, curricula, and products around the world. Constructionism has not been static!
The conference itself has evolved over the years. Solomon et al. (2020) note that while the community began as the British Logo User group in 1983, the conference was eventually renamed “EuroLogo” in 1987 as the community grew. Again, in 2010, to reflect the diversity of expertise and tools in the community, the conference was renamed Constructionism, which we are thrilled to bring to New York City in 2023!

Our goal for Constructionism 2023 is to look forward. To plot future educational expeditions, novel technological innovations, and new social learning ecologies. It is appropriate and important to acknowledge the long and rich history of our community. But, like the kid clicking the “remix” button of a project, we want to use this history and intellectual work as a starting point for something new, something grander, something weirder, something more powerful.
One way we hope to “Build the Future of Constructionism” is to begin expanding our community. This year we are excited to collaborate with FabLearn to host a joint conference! FabLearn is the premiere conference on maker education attended by researchers, educators, and children to discuss and share hands-on projects, constructionist technologies, and empirical research. FabLearn, too, has evolved since its maker education origins to include other approaches and technologies, overlapping even more with the Constructionist world–so we are very excited to bring these two communities together for the 2023 conference.
And so, as we always do, we invite you to submit research papers, best practice papers, symposia, work-in-progress posters, workshops, or papers describing emerging and new constructionist media. We welcome and encourage submissions from multiple sectors and fields, including but not limited to academia, industry, and education, aiming for transdisciplinarity. 
Key Dates: times midnight Eastern Time, USA

    • Submission opens: February 12, 2023
    • Submission deadline (Research and Symposia): April 23, 2023
    • Submission deadline (WIP, Workshops, all other categories): May 23, 2023
    • Notification of acceptance for all categories: July 16th, 2023
    • Early Bird registration deadline: August 15, 2023
    • Normal registration starting from: September 04, 2023
    • Conference: 7 – 11. October 2023

Submission Types for Constructionism/FabLearn 2023:

    • Research papers
      • Full papers (8 pages)
      • Short papers (4 pages)
      • Posters (2 pages)
      • Special track: Constructionist Futures (theoretical/historical/literature review/critique papers on Constructionism) (8 pages)
      • Special track: Maker Education Futures (theoretical/historical/literature review/critique papers on Maker Education) (8 pages)
      • Special track: New Frontiers and Cultural Making (studies and descriptions of ways of making from around the world, new making technologies and approaches (e.g., biomaking) (4 pages)
    • Educator Papers (4 pages)
    • Young makers papers and project showcase (4 pages)
    • Work In Progress, New and Emerging Technologies, Demonstrations of Constructionist Media, Best-ish Practices, Cool Stuff We Couldn’t Submit Elsewhere (4 pages)
    • Workshops (2 pages)
    • Symposia (8 pages)
    • Barcamp

More details about each submission type will be added soon to the conference website Research papers and Symposia will be included in the published conference proceedings. Posters, Educator & Young Makers papers, Workshops, Work In Progress, and all other categories will be published permanently on the conference website (more details to come). If you haven’t already, please join the community mailing list!
Looking forward to seeing you all in NYC!

Nathan Holbert, Paulo Blikstein, Bernadette Spieler, Carina Girvan


Embroidery Designer has been selected for the TOP 30 European Apps by Huawei!!

Bitte VOTE fßr Embroidery Designer #Huawei HMS App Innovation Contest 
–> <–
Ein Vote ist bis zu 3x pro Tag möglich.  Also bitte: voten voten voten bis zum 20. November 2022 😀

Please VOTE for Embroidery Designer at #Huawei HMS App Innovation Contest 
–> <–
 You can vote up to 3 times per day until 20. November 2022

#HMSInnovateforAll #HWDevCase #HMSCore #HuaweiDevelopers #developers #catrobat #pocketcode #edu #changetheworld #code #hourofcode #appgallery #huawei #appsup2022

17. November 2022 (17.00 – 20.00): Gaming for Good Nßß 
17. November 2022 (17.00 – 20.00): Gaming for Good at Nßß

Universities and gaming – how do they fit together? Come by, find out and test games from the fields of medicine, sustainability, architecture and education 🎮.
More info:


CfP: Making & more: gemeinsam Lernen gestalten

Hrsg. Bernadette Spieler, Manuela Dahinden, Klaus Rummler & Tobias Schifferle

Abstracts bis 15. Okt 2022, Full Paper bis 29. Februar 2023


in Zusammenhang mit: 29. Oktober 2022 (09.00 – 16.45): Fachtagung und Barcamp “Making & more: gemeinsam Lernen gestalten” PH ZĂźrich:

Nachlese zur Tagung:

since 2022:

Steering Committee "Digital Switzerland"


The Education & Skills Committee “digitalswitzerland” actively shapes Switzerland’s digital future. In addition to the challenges of digitisation and the associated digital transformation, the committee addresses the key education topics and thus plays an important role in the future development of STEM skills.

Our CoetryLab opended in Summer 2022

 The Coetry-Lab in Zurich will is funded by the Manava foundation (starting in February 2022)


New Projekt Website "Making im Unterricht"

27.October 2021

Together with the University of Zurich/Institute of Plant and Microbiology, CreativeLab Zurich and the Zurich City School Board, the project “Making im Unterricht” will focus on creating a safe, open and gender-sensitive learning environment for Making.

Link to Website:

Swiss Bebras Steering Committee


CCTC'21: Call for Submissions

24.September 2021


Virtual Conference, 24th September 2021, Link, Detailed programme:

"Coding4All" online Workshop

24.July 2021

In cooperation with TU Graz, Austria and PH Zurich, Switzerland a “Coding4All” course will be offered online in summer 2021. This free and guided course can be booked by children and young people from Graz and Zurich and thus combines an international “Coding4All” idea.

Link TU Graz:

Link explore-coding:

"The Mysteries of Bebra"

31.May 2021

Professor Comupting Skills of Education

01.February 2021

02/2021: Starting at Zurich University of Education 

Professorship Computing Skills in Education

Center of Media Education and Informatics

Center of Education and Digital Change



DigiDucation - "Schools in Digital Change"

On behalf of the working group “Schools in Digital Change” (dt. “Schulen im Digitalen Wandel”), I developed a platform for the collection of open and free educational resources (OERs) for subject integrative computer science and digitization concepts. Visit our page: – currently only available in German. Following the success of the online coding weekd (“Coding4All”) during Easter (see “Talks & Events), more online courses will be offered in the future  (also by students). See also the newsletter announcement by the Federal Working Group of the Institutes for Women’s and Gender Studies in Lower Saxony (in German).

Coding Workshops

Furthermore, my students, who will be the future teachers of computer science in Lower Saxony, had the opportunity to gain their first experiences in the “classroom”. The Oscar Schindler Gesamtschule visited us on 29.01.2020. A number of 13 students received an introduction to Pocket Code and BBC micro:bits programming. See some expressions from the workshop [in German]:


Project "Gut Aufgelegt" GRRRLS Kuluturverein

DJ’s and coding? Those things don’t go together, right? Programming songs with different objects (e.g., a banana) or LED lighting via Arduino is quite an adventure – everything sounds a little bit bizarre. In the year of 2020, a cultural project called “Gut Auflegt” will take place. TU Graz and the Carobat team will cooperate with the GRRRLS culture association (and other institutions in Graz) and will perform different DJ workshops. Exciting!


Together with MIT AppInventor, Snap, RobotixRP, and Pocket Code (TU Graz / Catrobat), we submitted the 100&Change grant application to the MacArthur Foundation. Together, we will change the world!

Get FIT in Computer Science

This course should attract women in particular by counteracting stereotypes and clarifying expectations. The modules are all done by women! We will be talking about famous female CS scientists and use a game design approach. These so-called MOOCs make it easier for prospective students of TU Graz to start their technical studies. Available at

Start date: 05.08.2019

Available in English/German:
Enroll now:

Finally: Luna&Cat at Google Play

Do you love designing and being creative, and want to share your own app? Choose your main character and a background, add other characters to interact with, create a world around them, and realize your own individual story or game with them. It’s like creating a storyboard for a movie! With Luna&Cat’s intuitive visual programming environment, it’s as easy as drawing, writing, or cooking – and as difficult, too!

Find the app on Google Play:

Girls Coding Week 2019

Again in summer 2019, TU Graz is hosting the “Girls Coding Week”. During this event, girls between 11 to 14 years old will learn the basics of programming by using our apps Pocket Code or Luna&Cat. Eleven coding units with unplugged activities and challenges will prepare them in realizing their own ideas. Tinkering activities with robotics, Arduino boards, drones, and programmable embroidery machines will be part of the course as well. As a final project, everyone will create their own interactive, creative, and innovative app. For this course, no programming experience is needed.

July, 28th – August, 2nd 2019, each day from 9 am to 4 pm
@ Inffeldgasse, TU Graz


CoderDojo Club @ Graz

Starting in April 2019 members of the Graz IT community will host a CoderDojo club in Graz – once a month (every first Friday of the month):

CoderDojo is a worldwide concept that offers free coding clubs for children and teenagers. Our first event will be conducted on April, 5th from 16.00 Uhr to 18.00 at Coworking Space Spacelend (Neubaugasse 24, 8020 Graz).


Lecture "Design your own App" 2019

 “Design your own app” a “coding for all”- course open for students of all degree programs at KF-Uni Graz: https://catrob/appdesign

First Workshops "Code'n'Stitch"

It is important to know what our target group expect and wish in order to create sufficient emproidery patters. Thus, first they are able to draw and search for patterns online. Second, they program them with turtlestitch.

In addition, I performed a gender and diversity workshop for the whole project team (including F&T, Apflbutzn, and Bits4Kids).

Mini Track call for papers on Gender Sensitive GBL

This year I am chair of a track session on Gender Sensitive Game-based learning at European Conference on Game based Learning. Submit your research and join us in Odense/Denmark in October 2019.


Press in February 2019


FH Joanneum Blog Entry

“I want to engage female teenagers in coding.”
December 2018


Video RemoteMentor project

November 2018
Our Remote Mentor project, funded by NetIdee is coming to an end -> You want to know what this project is about? Check out this new video [in german]!