Workshops, Symposium & Conferences

Workshops | Talks | Conference | Others
- Co-Chair Construcitonism 2025 in Zurich at ETH/PHZH:
- EXPERIMINTA ScienceCenters exibition “Womein in STEM” ins Leben gerufen. Mein Portrait:
- Informatiktage 2025 “Wearable Fashion” Link
Workshops | Talks | Conference | Others
- SAVE THE DATE: Constructionism Conference 2025 in Zurich (ETH/PHZH): 24. – 27. Juli 2025,
- To stay updated on conference announcements, join our mailing list at: and follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, or X.
- November 2024: Workshop PH St. Gallen as part of the Network Meeting 2024: ‘Making – Culture of Making’ Title: Making at school: How can it succeed?’ (link)
- October 2024: Workshop edu-i-day ‘Making in computer science: Creative impulses through maker education’ (Link)
- September 2024: Expert ‘Fixing the leaky pipeline in STEM’ at European Youth Parliament (EYP) Switzerland ‘Building skills, confidence, and friendships’
- Workshop Department Day Entry Level, ‘Artificial intelligence decoded’
- August 2024: Workshop primary level, ‘The makerspace as a creative lab: Digital tinkering, exploring and inventing’
- June 2024: STIU 2024 (SCHWEIZER TAG FÜR DEN INFORMATIKUNTERRICHT): Workshop “AI makes it easy: Python programming with AI Tutor”, Link
- June 2024: Anthology “Making & More: gemeinsam Lernen gestalten” is published: Link
Vernissage: June 19, 2024 15:00-16:30: Link - May 2024: Video Rendezvous Elementary Education on the topic of “Making im Unterricht”: Link
- Article in the book “Wirksamer Informatikunterricht” : Link
- 30.04.2024: Advanced training at Brake secondary school (online keynote speech/workshop) – Media in the era of AI (Link)
- April 2024: Expert “Women in Tech Workshop “(Campaign of the Department of Economic Affairs/Office of Economy and Labor (AWA) of the Canton of Zurich together with ICT-Berufsbildung, digitalswitzerland and the Müller Möhl Foundation (taskforce4women))
- Program Committee of the 7th CMSC Conference (Creative Mathematical Sciences Communication ), Link:
- 25.-26.03.2024: CREATIVE BODIES — CREATIVE MINDS 2024 conference University of Graz, Workshop: “Making: Unleashing Creativity Through ‘Maker-Challenges’”, Link:
- SAVE THE DATE: Constructionism Conference 2025 in Zurich (ETH/PHZH): 24. – 27. Juli 2025,
Teacher Tranings 2024
In German at PH Zürich:
- Making im Unterricht:
- MIA Aufbaumodule:
- Themenreihe 2023 “Digitaler Wandel in Schule und Gesellschaft”:
- Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) macht Schule – FS24
- July 2023 – January 2024: Maternity leave
- 07. – 11.10.2023: Constructionism 2023 (Co-Chair), Link:
- Co-Editor “Digitale Kompetenzen – Zur Rolle dieser „Future Skills“ im Hochschulkontext: Definition und Bedeutsamkeit, Messung und Förderung”: Call for Papers: ZFHE 19/1 | Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, Deadline: 27.10.2023
- 05.07.2023, 13:30 – 17:15: Conference “Making&more”: Project closure: “Making im Unterricht” and opening of the PHZH Makerspace,
Blog Schulführung: Make a Makerspace
OER learning objects: PHZH-OpenIlias
Project Webpage: - 8. – 10.05.2023: STS Conference, TU Graz, Sessions in: Teaching STS, H.1 Hype or sustainable change: What remains of the Digital Transformation in Higher Education?, Link:
- 14.04.2023: Swissnex World Quantum Day event. Invited Talk: “Fixing the leaky pipeline in STEM” Link:
- 03.04.2023: Project closure and conference “Informatikausbildung and en PHs”
- 09. – 10.02.2023: Maker-Education in der Lehrer:innenbildung. Konzept – Einsatz – Transfer, Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg, Workshop. “Lauf der Dinge”. Link:
- 20. – 23.02.2023: Leitung Games&Coding Workshop @ CoetryLab Zürich
- 06. – 11.02.2023: Wahlmodul “Making im Unterricht” Primar Ausbildung
- 26.01.2023: Genderschulung für Bits4Kids (online)
- 17. November 2022 (17.00 – 20.00): Gaming for Good Nüü (Link)
- 10.November 2022: Workshop Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg – Game Design / Erstellen von Animationen und Geschichten Link
- 02. November 2022 (18.00 – 19:30) Breaking Down Stereotypes: Rollenbilder in Games und Informatik, Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung CHANCENGERECHTIGKEIT – Utopie oder Realität? , Hochschule Harz,
- Call for Papers: Making & more: gemeinsam Lernen gestalten. Hrsg. Bernadette Spieler, Manuela Dahinden, Klaus Rummler & Tobias Schifferle, Abstracts bis 15. Okt 2022, Full Paper bis 29. Februar 2023,
in Zusammenhang mit: - 29. Oktober 2022 (09.00 – 16.45): Fachtagung und Barcamp “Making & more: gemeinsam Lernen gestalten” PH Zürich:
- Nachlese zur Tagung:
- 31.10.2022: Vortrag zu “Maker-Education” im Rahmen des digitalen Fachtags „Schule von morgen – digital, nachhaltig & kreativ“, RuhrFutur / Essen (DE), Link
- 30.07.2022: Eröffnung Coetry-Lab, Link
- 12.05.2022: Online-Dialogreihe Zentrum Bildung und Digitaler Wandel – Martin Ebner: Warum Moocs OER sein sollten!, Anmeldung: Link
- 16.-20.05.2022: International Bebras Tasks Workshop, Link
- 25.05.2022: Expert:innen-Workshop „KI als Chance für mehr Geschlechtergerechtigkeit – Handlungsansätze für Politik und Verwaltung“, Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission, Link
- 30-31.05.2022: FabLearn Kopenhagen, Link
- 2-3.06.2022: Exploratory Workshop on Everyday Creativity in (Post)socialism, University of Graz, Austria
Topic: Maker Education and Gender: Exploring Creative Learning Situations in a Gender Sensitive Context - 08.06.2022: 11. Schweizer Tag für den Informatikunterricht (STIU 2022), ETH Zürich – Link:
Workshops “KI macht Schule”, “Designen, Programmieren, Sticken - 04.05.2022: Grundkurs Projekt “Making im Unterricht”
- Informatiktage April 2022:
- 11. -13.04.2022: Dreitageblock Erziehungsdepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt – virtuelle Weiterbildung für die Volksschule (eduBS), Link 2021
- 26.03.2022: SWiSE-Innovationstag, Atelier: “Making im Unterricht: ein (digitales) Selbermachen, Experimentieren und Erfinden “, Link
- 24.03.2022: Keynote Speech: “Algorithmic Bias: Didaktische Zugänge für geschlechtergerechte KI- & IT-Systeme”, Internationale Tagung Digital Gender – Ethik, Macht und (Geschlechter-)Wissen in Systemen künstlicher Intelligenz, Dresden, Link
- 03.03.2022: till 2022 (Tag der Informatiklehrenden / Hannover) Workshop: Gendersensitiver Informatikunterricht, Link
- 03.03.2022: Start Veranstaltungsreihe am Zentrum «Bildung und digitaler Wandel» der PH Zürich, Anmeldung:
- 02.03.2022: Grundlagenmodul Making Projekt “Making im Unterricht”
- 18.02.2022: Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung Universität Hildesheim: Einführung in die Geschlechterforschung, Vortrag: Gender, Informatik & Didaktik, Link
Online Conferences | Paper Presentations | Talks
- 11.11.2021: Online-Dialoge “Zentrum für Bildung und Digitaler Wandel”, Programm
- 24.09.2021: VIRTUAL CATROBAT COMPUTATIONAL THINKING (CCTC’21) , Link:, Detail Programme is now available:
- 16.09.2021, 16:00 – Key-Talk: “Game design: from storyboard to one’s own games” – MNU Niedersachsen DIGITAL 2021, (Link, Flyer)
- 14. 09.2021: Fachtagung: Corona als Wendepunkt in der Lehrer:innenbildung: Wohin geht die Reise? , 8.15 – 17.00 Uhr
- PHZH, Diskussionsrunde: Bernadette Spieler – Digital statt Frontal: Lehrkräfte und Weiterbildung in Zeiten von Corona (mit Blick auf die Informatische Bildung)
- 23.09.2021: ONLINE-TAGUNG, Die Digitale Wende in der Familienbildung, Vortrag „Nach Corona – Was bleibt vom digitalen Wandel?“ Link
- 22.09.2021: Judge in “The 9th International Educational Games Competition” Link; Categorie: Finished Games Categories/Installed on a Device Games
- 22. – 24.09.2021: 15th European Conference on Games Based Learning, Talk: The Science Behind the Art of Engaging: Games and Support in Coding, Link
- Cooperator in the Co-design Labs of the Gender STI project (East lab)
- Rigi-Tagung “Medien und Informatik” 2021, Link
- Online “Coding4All”-Courses: in cooperation with Uni Hildesheim: 2. – 6. August, TU Graz: 26. – 29.07
- Organisation: The mystery of Bebra (Link), 31.05.2021 – 11.06.2021
- 02. – 03.06.2021: FabLearn Europe / MakeEd – international conference on Computing, Design and Making in Education, Workshop: Creative, Engaging, and Playful “Making”-Activities with Smartphones and Embroidery Machines”
- 27.05.2021: Research Colloquium “Gender Sensitivity and Playful Programming in Computer Science Education”, PH Zurich, Link
- 24.04.2021: Annual Conference GI Research Group Women and Computer Science “Artificial Intelligence – trustworthy, explainable, fair?”
- 19.04.2021: Lecture series in “Gender & Diversity”, topic: Gender and MINT (–>program)
- 13.04.2021: Network event: “(STEM) women drive Switzerland forward!”, Link:
- 15.04.2021: Workshop for teachers “Informatik-Tage” Zurich: “Design your own gaming app”
- 18.03.2021: Workshop “Building Data Literacy with the Teaching Profession at Global Scale” Helmut Schmidt-Universität (Hamburg/Germany)
- 24.04.2021: Annual Conference GI Research Group Women and Computer Science “Artificial Intelligence – trustworthy, explainable, fair?”
- 19.04.2021:
- 13.04.2021: Network event: “(STEM) women drive Switzerland forward!”, Link:
- 15.04.2021: Workshop for teachers “Informatik-Tage” Zurich: “Design your own gaming app”
- 18.03.2021: Workshop “Building Data Literacy with the Teaching Profession at Global Scale” Helmut Schmidt-Universität (Hamburg/Germany)
Online Conferences | Paper Presentations | Talks
- 21. – 23.10.2020: Frontiers in Education (FIE)
- 28. – 30.10.2020: 15th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education (WiPSCE)
- 03.11.2020: Online Discussion: Digital Worlds – Digital Teaching and Learning, University of Hildesheim/Centrum for Digital Change, Link
- 16. – 22. 11.2020: Entrepreneur talk: Founder week Germany, workshop for entrepreneurship and transfer, panel discussion, Link
- 16. – 18.11.2020: International Conference on Informatics in School: Situation, Evaluation, Problems (ISSEP)
- 20.11.2020: Online Talk: DIGITARIUM 2020 – Discussion at University of Hildesheim: ONLINE Conference, Link
- 04. – 05.12: CeLeB conference Hildesheim
- 14. – 18.09.2020: DELFI 2020 & HDI 2020 – paper presentation (Link)
- 24. -25.09.2020: European Conference of Game-based Learning
- 28.09 – 02.10.2020: GDM-Online conference 2020 (OlTa)
- 17.09.2020: Future Day “Kompetenzzentren”, Online Talk: “Innovative Ideas for Digital Education”
- 02.09.2020: Symposium “Potential Digital for Gendering MINT”
- Live-Discussion about “Gendering MINT digital in lectures”Exchange of experiences to online lectures, e.g., Gender&Informatik:
- LCT/HCII International 2020: Chairing the online session on “Emerging Technologies for Learning” at HCI 2020 & presenting our paper of the project “RemoteMentor”: Evaluation of interactions between teenage girls, remote tutors, and coding activities in school lessons… pp. 547
- 23.03.2020: Online Expert Workshop on the topic „Strengthening Machine Learning Competencies in Germany“ by acatech (German Academy of Science and Engineering) Project page:
- C2020 Programming Committee – Constructionism 2020 Trinity College Dublin, Ireland from the 26-29 of May 2020
Online Contributions
- Conference “Information literacy and democracy (IDE), Hildsheim
Online statement and discussion on “Building information literacy in education”
- Digitalday 2020 – my contribution:
- iLRN conference 2020: paper presentation on “Reducing cognitive load through the worked example effect within a serious game environment”, Link to Proceedings
Online Teacher Trainings

A focus of my work is the development and promotion of new digitization services for teachers. In cooperation with the Lower Saxony State Institute for Quality Development in Schools (NLQ) and the Competence Centre for Regional Teacher Training (KHi), I support teachers in meeting the challenges of digitization. As a member of the working group “Schools in Digital Change”, I design several training courses or strategy workshops for this purpuse. People from the university are brought together with teachers to work out specific measures for the implementation and further development of digitization at schools in the region of Hildesheim. These include current topics such as the realization of digital classrooms/infrastructure and the use of digital media in schools.
Teacher Trainings (in German)
- Every first Thursday of the month: Online training “School in the Digital Change”; Topic 03.09.2020: Distance learning/teaching with “Lern-Plattform ‘Niedersächsische Bildungscloud'” (VeDaB)
- “What’s App? School digital! – Hildesheim Educational Days 2020 (Hildesheimer Pädagogische Tage 2020)- ONLINE event (VeDaB)
My workshops:- “Design your own app”
- “Digitization and teaching: practical examples”.
- Training program “Teaching and Learning with Digital Media” June – November 2020 (6 modules)
Module 4: 06.10.2020:
Details about the training program (PDF) (VeDaB) - 13.10.2020: WB-Online: Internal Training University Hildesheim
“Using, developing and sharing Open Educational Resources (OER)” - 03.07.2020: “Collaborative group work with AR/VR”
- 04.06.2020:”Online learning for primary level” (VeDaB)
- 07.05.2020: “Q&A sessions for online education” (VeDaB)
- 03.03.2020: KURZWEIL #2 – “How can digital education in schools succeed?” Details
- 26.02.2020: Mentoring Day 2020 – GHR300 (VeDaB)
- 20.02.2020: Strategy Workshop “Digital Change” (VeDaB)
- 07.11.2019: “Playful activities with smartphones” (VeDaB)
ONLINE "Coding4All" Courses during Easter & Computer Summerschool 2020

All workshops were planned as 4/5-day workshops with 7 hours a day. This year, due to COVID-19, the entire courses, which were originally intended as coding courses on-site in Hildesheim, had to be offered and digitized as online courses. The courses were made available on the new platform DigiDucation (
The first coding workshop took place during Easter (07. – 09.04.2020) with 24 students in total. See interview by Uni Hildesheim and @idw_online_en Interview:
Further workshops were part of the Computer Sommerschool 2020:
- Coding4Girls (10. – 13.08.2020)
- Visual programming with Scratch (17. – 19.08.2020)
Further online courses (gimp, python, app inventor) and materials are developed together with CS students (future teachers). In November 2020 further online CS courses will be conducted, e.g., together with the Explore ScienCenter in Hildesheim and with the Robert-Bosch-Gesamtschule.

Gaming Apps created by students during the online coding course at Easter 2020.
ECGBL 2019
European Conference on Game based Learning (ECGBL)
Mini-track on Gender-Sensitive Game-based Learning
Odense/Denmark, 2.- 4, October 2019
International Educational Games Competition Judge
Presenting two papers:
* Girls Create Games: Lessons Learned
* “Computer Science for all” concept to engage teenagers and non-CS students in technology
GenderMINT 4.0
Scratch Europe
23.-25.August 2019
Scratch Europe
Scratch and the team of the Raspberry Pi Foundation invited to the Scratch Conference Europe 2019 in Cambridge. It was very inspiring to meet interesting communities from CoderDojo, CodeClub, CoolProject and many others.
It was a pleasure to present our work:
- Workshop: Creative engaging and playful activities with smartphones for interdisciplinary school projects”,
- poster session “Code’n’Stitch” project
- Ignite talk Luna&Cat
Coding Courses at TU Graz
Three weeks of coding course! Many creative and innovative projects have been uploaded. Find them here.
Including our coding lab at the Maker Days – the hAPPy-Lab.
1st Wimen Symposia in Graz
TU Graz, June 26, 2019
Organizing Committee
Host for Round Table: DigiEdu – The future of digital education
Discussion rounds on digital education, digital work, how clever is smart? (cities), mobility, energy, and usability.
Our future is no coincidence!
100 years women's studies at TU Graz
TU Graz, May 10, 2019
It has been 100 years since women were allowed to study at TU Grazm Austria. “If they don’t take away any space from the men and don’t damage anything”.
For this event, the gender equality office of TU Graz created photo cards of female researchers at TU Graz with explanations to their research topics. Thanks for this opportunity.
Fotocredit: Renate Trummer
ICGR Poster Session
11-12. April 2019, Rom/Italy
Topics of the conference: Despite some advances being made in the area, topics related to gender research remain pertinent and are gaining momentum in a changing society. It is thus important to empower and to develop research on specific gender topics, in order to acquire a clearer understanding and to obtain important insights.
Poster session:
The Code’n’Stitch Project
Link to the conference
Girls Day 2019
Austrian Chamber of Labour, May 24, 2019
Pocket Code Workshop and speed-dating sessions with female technicans
Female Technicans Talk
TU Graz,April 3, 2019
Title: How feminine is Coding?
Organizer: Office for Equality and the Advancement of Women, TU Graz & Department for Women’s Policy, HTU Graz, FIT
Workshop IMAGINE / ICT2018
December 2018: Imagine
Workshops with Pocket Code, Ozobots, and Microbits. Final idea marathon with students.
Link to the conference
Remote Mentoring Sessions
The project continues with units in October + November 2018 at two secondary schools. Our mentors (who are university students) help girls who share the screen of their Pocket Code program. They receive 1:1 mentoring exactly when needed. It is a great project 😀
IV Inno-Monat
October 2018: IV Inno-Monat
During October the “Innovation-Truck” of the Federation of Austrian Industry was driving through Styira: Deutschlandsberg, Weiz, Fürstenfeld, Leoben and Graz
In four hours workshops students used our app Pocket Code to create their own games and animations
Workshops @SchülerInnen Konferenz "Ich bin online" WKO Steiermark
Workshops: 18th of October @WKO Steiermark
400 students had the chance to visit one of our four workshops at this conference for students. The workshop included:
) What is programming
) What is Catrobat/Pocket Code
) Demo session
) Hands-on sessions
European Conference on Game based Learning (ECGBL) @Sophia Antipolis
Conference: 3th – 5th October
Talk: Game Development-Based Learning Experience: Gender Differences in Game Design
Talk @ TU Wien
19th of October
Title: Gender-sensitive computer science didactics to empower women in technology
Abstract (short): Mrs. Bernadette Spieler presents current research and results from her dissertation in the field of gender-sensitive computer science didactics. She presents examples / reflections on gender-mixed classes and “girls-only” coding initiatives. As a result, a new teaching model is presented (in terms of structure, material, language, games, etc.) with the aim of engaging students independently of their gender.
Constructionism @ Vilnius
Conference: 20th – 25th August
Talk 1: Learning to program in a constructionist way
Talk 2: Female Teenagers and Coding: Create Gender Sensitive and Creative Learning Environments
Girls Coding Week
6th – 10th of August
TU Graz
This one week workshop was designed for girls between 11 – 12 years old. We used our app Pocket Code to design games, stories, and own apps. Programming is super easy and cool – and especially for girls!
Coding Day City of Graz
26th of July
TU Graz
One day coding workshop at TU Graz with 17 students between 12-15 years old. #gamecreation #createyourownapp #Pocket_Code
Workshop on "Gendersensitive CS- Didactics"
11th of June 2018
TU Graz
Content: Dr. Bernadette Spieler presents her research and experiences wit gender and CS, reflection on own practice and explains possibilities for IT courses. Discussions on teaching in gender-mixed classes and how the lesson structure and material used can be designed so that students benefit equally regardless of their gender. In addition to a brief input, the workshop also provided space for exchange and discussion, case studies and examples for integration into one’s own practice.
Gender&IT Conference Heilbronn
15th of May 2018
Talk: Reinforcing Gender Equality by Analysing Female Teenagers’
Performances in Coding Activities: A Lesson Learned
Link to presentation:
Link to publication:
Creative Bodies & Creative Minds Graz
26th – 27th March 2018
KF University of Graz
Conference organizing committee, session chair
Workshop & Lunch Talk: For the workshop the participants worked alone or in a small team and code a game app. They learnt something about coding through direct experience, tinkering, collaboration,
and creativity. To think about an idea first can be hard sometimes. That’s why we proposed initial ideas and code fragments they could use within their game.
DigBiz Talk Graz
21st of March 2018
DigBiz Award
Jury & Ignite Talk: Women in Technology – Shape the world of tomorrow
Students’ Conference “DIGITALIZATION”
25th of October 2017 Vienna/Austria
Panel discussion, expert interview, workshop
Workshops @Graz & Vienna
PH Steiermark, Game City Vienna, …
European Conference on Game Based Learning - Graz
4th – 6th of October 2017
Talk: Evaluation of Game Templates to support Programming Activities in Schools
Link to the conference
More past events will be added soon…