Rock bottom, the world, the sky: Catrobat, an extremely large-scale and long-term visual coding project relying purely on smartphones

Reference Format: Luhana, K., Mueller, M., Schindler, C., Slany,  W.,  Spieler, B. (2018) Rock bottom, the world, the sky: Catrobat, an extremely large-scale and long-term visual coding project relying purely on smartphones. In Proceedings of Constructionism 2018, 20. – 25. August, 2018, Vilnius, Lithuania.

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Reinforcing Gender Equality by Analysing Female Teenagers’ Performances in Coding Activities: A Lesson Learned

ACM Reference Format: Bernadette Spieler. 2018. Reinforcing Gender Equality by Analysing Female Teenagers’ Performances in Coding Activities: A Lesson Learned. In Proceed-ings of 4th GenderIT conference, Heilbronn, Germany, May 2018 (GenderIT’18), 11 pages.

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Evaluation of Game Templates to support Programming Activities in Schools

Reference Format: SPIELER, B., SCHINDLER, C., SLANY, W., MASHINSKA, O., BELTRÀN, M.E., BOULTON, H.; AND D. BROWN. 2017.  Evaluation of Game Templates to support Programming Activities in Schools. In Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Games Based Learning. October 5-6, 2017, Graz, Austria. p. 600-609.

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Improving Pocket Paint Usability via Material Design Compliance and Internationalization & Localization Support on Application Level

Reference Format: AYYAL AWWAD; A.M.; SCHINDLER, C., KUMAR LUHANA, K., ALI, Z., AND SPIELER, B. 2017. Improving Pocket Paint’s Usability via Material Design Compliance and Internationalization & Localization Support on Application Level. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 99, 8 pages.

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Pocket Code: A mobile App for Game Jams To Facilitate Classroom Learning through Game Creation

Reference Format: SPIELER, B., PETRI, A., SLANY, W., SCHINDLER, C., BELTRÀN M.E., AND BOULTON, H. 2016. Pocket Code: A Mobile App for Game Jams to facilitate Classroom Learning through Game Creation. In Proceedings of the 6th Irish Conference on game-Based Learning. September 1-2, 2016, Dublin, Ireland, p. 61-79.

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