How to cite: Burgsteiner, H., Spieler, B., Kandlhofer, M., & Bieber, R. (2024). ComeThinkAgain – Computational and Entrepreneurship Thinking and Green Agenda Innovations. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Digital Skills and IT Professionalism (pp. 68–69).
Harald Burgsteiner1, Bernadette Spieler2, Martin Kandlhofer3, Ronald Bieber3
1 University of Teacher Education Styria, Austria
2 Zurich University of Teacher Education, Switzerland
3 Austrian Computer Society OCG, Austria,
Digitization and production innovations in combination with the ongoing climate change pose many challenges for our private but also the professional life. Specifically, education systems and the labor market have to address new demands while also facing new challenges, such as defining these skills and implementing teaching methods to acquire them. In this context, the European Commission calls for new skills to keep the EU’s labor market competitive [1]. The recently started Erasmus+ project “ComeThinkAgain” (CTA)1 aims to address these challenges by fostering a strategic collaboration between Higher Education (HE), Vocational Education and Training (VET), enterprises, and research organizations. One of the main outcomes of the project is the development, implementation and evaluation of a cross-sectoral, standardized training and
certification system called CTA-CETS (Certification based Education Training System) for the three areas (‘pillars’) of 1) Computational Thinking Skills (CT), 2) Entrepreneurship Education & Innovation Skills (EE) as well as 3) Social Responsibility, Sustainability & Green Skills (GS). ComeThinkAgain is co-funded by the European Union (ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-ALL-INNO) and includes project partners from Austria (University of Teacher Education Styria, Austrian Computer Society), Switzerland (University of Teacher Education Zurich), Germany (Gesellschaft für Informatik), Estonia (University of Tartu), Finland (University of Oulu), Denmark (Mercantec), Belgium (The Square Dot Team), Spain (Grupo Inmark) and Ireland (Konnektable Technologies).