AirCampus Potcast [German]

Bridge the Gap!

Is Computer Science only for men? Not at TU Graz! The engagement of girls and young women should inspire more female students to apply for technical related degree programs. Bernadette Spieler explains the magic behind Computer Science.

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Rock bottom, the world, the sky: Catrobat, an extremely large-scale and long-term visual coding project relying purely on smartphones

Reference Format: Luhana, K., Mueller, M., Schindler, C., Slany,  W.,  Spieler, B. (2018) Rock bottom, the world, the sky: Catrobat, an extremely large-scale and long-term visual coding project relying purely on smartphones. In Proceedings of Constructionism 2018, 20. – 25. August, 2018, Vilnius, Lithuania.

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Improving Pocket Paint Usability via Material Design Compliance and Internationalization & Localization Support on Application Level

Reference Format: AYYAL AWWAD; A.M.; SCHINDLER, C., KUMAR LUHANA, K., ALI, Z., AND SPIELER, B. 2017. Improving Pocket Paint’s Usability via Material Design Compliance and Internationalization & Localization Support on Application Level. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 99, 8 pages.

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