3 Computer Science Professors – 3 questions

In 2021, the year in which Switzerland celebrates the 50th anniversary of women’s right to vote, positive effects towards more gender equality can be seen on many levels. The PHs play a key role with the training of future teachers. The Swiss Association for Computer Science in Education SV!A presents three female computer science professors at once:

Dorit Assaf, PH FHNW , Mareen Grillenberger, PHSZ, and Bernadette Spieler, PHZH.

See the article (in GERMAN):

Six new professors [German]

In a small, festive setting, Rector Heinz Rhyn presented the six new professors of the PH Zurich with their certificates from the University of Applied Sciences Council. Congratulations to Anja Sieber, Bernadette Spieler, Barbara Getto, Tobias Röhl, Michael Geiss and Patrick Bettinger!

Link: https://phzh.ch/de/ueber-uns/Medien/News/2021/09/sechs-neue-professorinnen/

Michael Geiss, Patrick Bettinger, Barbara Getto, Tobias Röhl, Heinz Rhyn, Bernadette Spieler, Anja Sieber

DIZH Making@School starting in October 2021

See press links:

PH Zurich: https://phzh.ch/de/ueber-uns/Medien/News/2021/06/dizh-innovationsprojekte/ 

DIZH: https://dizh.ch/innovationsprogramm/projekte/2021-1-makingschool/

The DIZH-projects aims to promote cooperation between Zurich’s universities in the field of digitisation and to enable and drive innovative developments in the areas of teaching, education and digitisation, thereby strengthening Zurich as a location for research and business.

One of the 10 innovation projects is making@school, which aims to bring maker education to teacher training and education. In cooperation with University of Zurich/CreativeLab Zürich and the school office of the city of Zurich as a practical partner we will create different maker modules (basics, CS, bio-tinkering,…) as Open Educational Resources (OER).

New established Centre of Education and Digital Transformation (German: Zentrum Bildung und Digitaler Wandel)

PH Zurich establishes the center for research on digital transformation in education with six new professorial positions. PH Zurich is strengthening research and teaching on digital transformation in education. Six new professors will conduct research on the focus areas of Education and Digital Society, Digital Learning and Teaching, and Computing Skills in Education starting in 2021.

Link: https://phzh.ch/de/ueber-uns/Medien/News/2020/11/neues-zentrum-bildung-und-digitaler-wandel/

Radio Discussion on Tonkuhle

Radio “Tonkuhle”
Radio report, 5 min, in German

Topic: Support actions of the University of Hildesheim in homeschooling. Due corona, homeschooling was suddenly a topic nationwide. Students and teachers stayed completely at home and had to fulfill extensive tasks at home. During the lockdown at the University of Hildesheim Paula Thelen asked questions about homeschooling.

Interview with mathematics didactics Prof. Dr. Barbara Schmidt-Thieme from the Center for Teacher Training and Educational Research and for computer science didactics Dr. Bernadette Spieler.

Link: https://soundcloud.com/radio-tonkuhle-1053/probleme-und-losungen-beim-homeschooling

CeLeB: Support for homeschooling

There are various initiatives at the University of Hildesheim to support digital teaching / learning scenarios and to help children and students in learning online. The “Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research” (CeLeB) provides an overview of services for homeschooling (in German).

Link: https://www.uni-hildesheim.de/neuigkeiten/centrum-fuer-lehrerbildung-unterstuetzung-bei-homeschooling-und-kooperationsangebote-fuer-schulen/

and https://www.uni-hildesheim.de/coronavernetzt/


Interview Uni Hildesheim

Dr. Bernadette Spieler is currently developing several trainings for teachers in homeschooling and online teaching. In a free online event on May 7, 2020, teachers can ask questions and spark discussions on online teaching. This will be followed in June 2020 by an advanced training series on the topic of “Teaching and learning with digital media”. In an interview, she talks about the online coding weeks for children (in German).

Link: https://www.uni-hildesheim.de/neuigkeiten/schulen-im-digitalen-wandel-interview-mit-informatikerin-dr-bernadette-spieler/

and @idw_online_en Interview: https://idw-online.de/de/news745189


The computer scientist Dr. Bernadette Spieler during the online coding course for children. She researches and teaches in the field of computer science didactics at the University of Hildesheim. 21 children have developed small games with the App Pocket Code during the online coding course at the University of Hildesheim and thus learned their first steps in programming in a playful way.