See press links:
PH Zurich: https://phzh.ch/de/ueber-uns/Medien/News/2021/06/dizh-innovationsprojekte/
DIZH: https://dizh.ch/innovationsprogramm/projekte/2021-1-makingschool/
The DIZH-projects aims to promote cooperation between Zurich’s universities in the field of digitisation and to enable and drive innovative developments in the areas of teaching, education and digitisation, thereby strengthening Zurich as a location for research and business.
One of the 10 innovation projects is making@school, which aims to bring maker education to teacher training and education. In cooperation with University of Zurich/CreativeLab Zürich and the school office of the city of Zurich as a practical partner we will create different maker modules (basics, CS, bio-tinkering,…) as Open Educational Resources (OER).