CeLeB: Support for homeschooling

There are various initiatives at the University of Hildesheim to support digital teaching / learning scenarios and to help children and students in learning online. The “Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research” (CeLeB) provides an overview of services for homeschooling (in German).

Link: https://www.uni-hildesheim.de/neuigkeiten/centrum-fuer-lehrerbildung-unterstuetzung-bei-homeschooling-und-kooperationsangebote-fuer-schulen/

and https://www.uni-hildesheim.de/coronavernetzt/


Interview Uni Hildesheim

Dr. Bernadette Spieler is currently developing several trainings for teachers in homeschooling and online teaching. In a free online event on May 7, 2020, teachers can ask questions and spark discussions on online teaching. This will be followed in June 2020 by an advanced training series on the topic of “Teaching and learning with digital media”. In an interview, she talks about the online coding weeks for children (in German).

Link: https://www.uni-hildesheim.de/neuigkeiten/schulen-im-digitalen-wandel-interview-mit-informatikerin-dr-bernadette-spieler/

and @idw_online_en Interview: https://idw-online.de/de/news745189


The computer scientist Dr. Bernadette Spieler during the online coding course for children. She researches and teaches in the field of computer science didactics at the University of Hildesheim. 21 children have developed small games with the App Pocket Code during the online coding course at the University of Hildesheim and thus learned their first steps in programming in a playful way. 

NDR TV television report

20/04: all my lectures are starting ONLINE this semester – a TV team was with me during my first online lecture “School-related visual programming”;  see transcript (German)

(in German): NDR Fernsehen – Sendung:
„Niedersachsen 18:00 Uhr Nachrichten“ und Nachrichtenmagazin „Hallo Niedersachsen“ (Kurzfassung)

Thema: Digitaler Semesterstart an den Universitäten in Niedersachsen / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang-Uwe Friedrich, Landeshochschulkonferenz Niedersachsen (LHK) / Dr. Bernadette Spieler, Informatikdidaktik, Universität Hildesheim
Fernsehbeitrag, ~ 2:00 Min (Min. 08:00 bis Min. 10:00)
Link: https://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/niedersachsen_1800/Niedersachsen-1800-20042020,ndsmag36330.html (zeitlich begrenzt online abrufbar)

New chapter: Visiting Professor in CS-Didactics at Stiftungsuniversität Hildesheim

The University of Hildesheim is one of the few universities in Lower Saxony that trains computer science teachers for secondary schools. In this interview (German only), dr. Bernadette Spieler give some insights for the semester.

Link: https://www.uni-hildesheim.de/neuigkeiten/erstmals-master-lehramt-informatik-fuer-haupt-real-und-oberschulen-in-niedersachsen/

Barbara Schmidt-Thieme, (Head of the Centre for Teacher Education and Educational Research), Bernadette Spieler, and university president Wolfgang-Uwe Friedrich.
Photo:  Isa Lange